Car Advertising

An innovative car advertising platform that connects brands and drivers to create impactful advertising

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Why Car Advertising?

icon Immense Brand Exposure

Immense Brand Exposure

Our driver partners have extremely high mobility thus generating very high brand exposure

icon Better Value

Better Value

Low Cost per Impression compared to other form of advertising

icon Multi-Platform


Car Advertising allows in-car activation for brands to connect deeper with their passenger


Get the most of your marketing campaign

Customize your car branding campaign with eye-catching add-ons or do marketing activation with car convoy.  

stickmob Back Window

Back Window

stickmob Partial Back

Partial Back

stickmob Half Wrap

Half Wrap

stickmob Full Wrap

Full Wrap

stickmob Partial Back + Panel

Partial Back + Panel

stickmob Full Back

Full Back

stickmob Back Window + Panel

Back Window + Panel

stickmob Wobbler


stickmob Door Trim

Door Trim

stickmob Strip


stickmob StickTop


stickmob Product Sampling

Product Sampling

stickmob Convoy


stickmob Survey


Available Cities

Car Advertising is Available at 35+ Cities in Indonesia

stickmob map
340 adsMedan 340 adsBatam 340 adsPekanbaru 340 adsPadang 340 adsPalembang 340 adsLampung 340 adsJabodetabek 340 adsBandung 340 adsSukabumi 340 adsCirebon 340 adsJogja 340 adsSolo 340 adsSemarang 340 adsMalang 340 adsJember 340 adsBlitar 340 adsSurabaya 340 adsBali 340 adsLombok 340 adsPontianak 340 adsBanjarmasin 340 adsBanjarbaru 340 adsBalikpapan 340 adsSamarinda 340 adsMakassar
Medan Batam Pekanbaru Padang Palembang Lampung Jabodetabek Bandung Sukabumi Cirebon Jogja Solo Semarang Malang Jember Blitar Surabaya Bali Lombok Pontianak Banjarmasin Banjarbaru Balikpapan Samarinda Makassar

What Will You Get?

  • Real-time campaign tracking through advertiser dashboard.
  • Guaranteed monthly distance up to 3000km *
  • Price is inclusive of sticker production, application cost, driver fee and advertising tax.
  • A complete client report at the end of the campaign.
image testimony
“StickEarn merupakan channel branding yang cost efficient dan effective untuk mempromosikan brand. Kami sangat puas dengan pelayanannya.”
testimony Evangeline Dyah Kartika
National Sales Manager of Evangeline
image testimony
“StickEarn ini salah satu solusi terbaik untuk marketing activationnya Everwhite. Selama bekerjasama dengan StickEarn, selalu dikasih insight yang inovatif dan tentunya sangat menjanjikan. Terbukti dengan hasil yang kita dapatkan selama campaign berjalan. Service nya pun sangat baik. Thankyou so much! Sukses terus untuk StickEarn”
testimony Everwhite Jessica Lin
Co-Founder of Everwhite
image testimony
“Iklan mobil StickEarn merupakan bentuk marketing activity yang relatif baru dan efisien dalam meningkatkan awareness untuk produk FMCG seperti kami, terutama di kota-kota besar dengan traffic jalanan yang cukup tinggi.”
testimony PT. Calbee Wings Indonesia Michael Brian
Brand Manager of PT. Calbee Wings Indonesia
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See what our platform can do for you.

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